A Generous Donation from Pulaski Church of God

Thanks to the efforts of volunteer Alex Barker, Vittles for Vets was invited to speak to the congregation of the Pulaski Church of God by Pastor Donald Jones on Sunday, November 15, as a way of honoring veterans for Veteran’s Day. Alex detailed the Vittles mission perfectly after which Pastor Jones gave a passionate message expressing the responsibility we have, as freedom loving citizens of this great country, to pay tribute and express gratitude to our veterans.

A touching film was shown detailing some of the hardships endured by those who served by a veteran Grandfather to his two young Grandsons. So touching and inspirational was this film that I, having served in combat in the Vietnam War, experienced a large “lump” in my throat while my wife shed tears.

Pastor Jones did not have a religious service that Sunday. He had a religious “event.” My heartfelt thanks go out to Pastor Jones for the passion and empathy displayed for those unseen veterans who find themselves in desperate situations.

The generosity of those in attendance was beyond belief as it seemed God, Himself, reached down from Heaven and personally asked for their support as the Vittles for Vets charity raised $2691.00 that morning.

On behalf of myself, our volunteers, and the veterans whom we serve thank you all for this most generous show of support for our veterans and their families.

Bill McCann

God bless you and be well.

Vittles for Vets