
Vittles for Vets WSLS

WSLS Features Vittles for Vets | 12/19/20

Thank you, WSLS, for helping Vittles for Vets get the word out about our organization and our critical need. Our completely volunteer run organization, and the veterans we serve, greatly appreciate an opportunity to share our story with the public.

If you are reading this post and just learning about Vittles for Vets, please consider making a small donation to help provide grocery cards to Veterans in SW Virginia suffering with food insecurity.

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A Day in the Life of a Vittles Veteran

A report from the field from our Founder and President, Bill McCann:

I would like to steal a line from one of my favorite TV shows, the “Twilight Zone,” as I think it is appropriate to this story.

Imagine if You Will…

You are a 78 year old veteran living with his wife in a small trailer on a very fixed income. Your family is either living out of state or nonexistent, you and your loved one are terribly alone as your friends have all passed, and you are

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Thanksgiving Dinner Deliveries | November 21, 2020

On Saturday, November 21st, the good people at New Covenant Christian Church in Roanoke donated 35 complete uncooked Thanksgiving dinners to veterans enrolled in the Vittles for Vets program.

Because of COVID, our fundraising events have been limited. We have been worried about raising the funds to cover a proper Thanksgiving meal for these men and women who have served our country and have now fallen on hard times. What a blessing this generous gift was!

Donna Salmons, a Vittles for Vets volunteer, shared this report from the field:

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Alex Pulaski Church of God

A Generous Donation from Pulaski Church of God

Thanks to the efforts of volunteer Alex Barker, Vittles for Vets was invited to speak to the congregation of the Pulaski Church of God by Pastor Donald Jones on Sunday, November 15, as a way of honoring veterans for Veteran’s Day. Alex detailed the Vittles mission perfectly after which Pastor Jones gave a passionate message expressing the responsibility we have, as freedom loving citizens of this great country, to pay tribute and express gratitude to our veterans.

A touching film was shown detailing some of the hardships endured by

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Hanging Rock Golf Tournament

The golf tournament was a roaring success. The numbers are in and I must tell you this was the most successful fund raising in our six year history. We had 18 complete teams (72 players). Mother nature provided an absolutely gorgeous day, and a good time were had by all.

The total fundraising event awarded Vittles for Vets with $23,650.00 for our food program assisting veterans in need and their families. That dollar amount equates to 473 weeks of food which will be distributed in the form of $50.00

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Pakacki Kim and Andy Vittles Bike run

Bike Run Benefits

Happy 4th of July to all, I pray you all enjoy yourselves and , above all, stay safe. Well this weekend proved exciting for the Vittles for Vets charity as we were invited to TWO separate motorcycle events which allowed us to promote and raise funds for the veteran charity. A veritable “Motorcycle Double Header.”

The first event, titled American Patriot Ride, was held on Friday, July 3, with all the bikers meeting up at Rural King in Wytheville, VA. Then proceed down to Marion Courthouse for the sole

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Table filled with facemasks

Facemask Drive

April 2020

Our very own, Betty Ward Whiteman, used her talents to make these masks to help raise funds for the Vittles. As most of our ability to raise funds was put on hiatus because of the virus, she was able to make these for a donation to the Vittles for Vets. She made over 220 masks in three weeks time.

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Bringing Smiles

April 4, 2020

​Vittles founder, Bill McCann, brought smiles to faces, distributing much sought after toilet tissue to veterans enrolled in the program. The tissue was donated to the Vittles from a local charity in Radford. Just another example how this charity cares for our veteran community.

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Food Delivery

March 31, 2020

This is not a “stick up” by a couple of “Banditos”!

Vittles has rolled out a new initiative for our high risk veterans. Keeping them safe and healthy is our number one priority. At this time, our volunteers use a Vittles gift card to shop for and deliver groceries to our veterans in need. Our goal is to adapt to COVID and help our at risk veteran population safe.

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Chanel 10 News Story

Our 2019 Red Cross Military Hero is a Vietnam veteran now helping other vets with one of life’s basics: food.

You could say Bill McCann is surrounded by veterans. When he is at home he helps his 95 year old father-in-law who fought in World War II pass time with a puzzle.

But when McCann’s out and about he’s most likely volunteering with his non profit VITTLES FOR VETS.

“What we do is we issue $50.00 food gift cards to veterans who qualify for the program and to qualify

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